Current projects

Name:Innovative solutions of the group of needs in the area of optimising OSH regulations, procedures and measures including dissemination measures
Project ID:TIRSMPSV701
Project Leader:
Grant Provider:Technologická agentura České republiky
Co-Principal investigater:
Project leader-external:
Project start:06/2018
Project end:05/2020
Description:The aim of the solution of this main project is to create key outputs in the field of OSH with high innovation potential for the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Individual parts will focus on the issue of occupational accident prevention, OSH prevention programmes in relation to accident insurance, visualization of semantic links in OSH, quality of working life of selected groups of employees with emphasis on OSH, employee protection if they work for multiple employers and during excavation activities, inspection activities in the field of OSH by trade unions, competences of school youth and future workforce for safety and health protection.

Ochrana zaměstnanců při pracovních činnostech ve výkopech - brožura

Ochrana zaměstnanců při pracovních činnostech ve výkopech - leták

Ochrana zaměstnanců při pracovních činnostech ve výkopech - skládačka