Recruitment strategy

VÚBP, v.v.i. implements an open and transparent recruitment policy (so-called OTM-R Policy), which is a key element of the HRS4R strategy.

This policy is described in the internal directive of the Directive regulating the rules for hiring employees at the Research Institute for Occupational Safety, v. v. i., Number S / 05/2020.

The Directive is based in particular on Act No. 262/2006 Coll., The Labor Code, as amended, and follows on from the COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION of 11 March 2005 on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

Below are the key principles and main stages of the recruitment process:

Phase I: Requirement to fill the post

The request for a vacancy is processed by the senior employee in whose department the vacant position is to be filled and approved by the director of VÚBP, v.v.i. The formalized document contains:

  • Identification and specification of the workplace;
  • the reason for the request for a post;
  • requirements for applicants – required education, knowledge, skills, personal prerequisites and other requirements;
  • specifies the conditions of employment, such as in particular the duration, amount of employment and wage classification.

The requirement to fill a position is also the basis for announcing a selection procedure for researchers and managers or the basis for submitting an advertisement.

The provisions of the Selection Committee for filling a position are three-member.

Phase II: Selection procedure including evaluation of the candidate

After the proper approval of the Request for a Job, a formalized document Notice of the announcement of the competition for the job position and a formalized document of the Advertisement and subsequent publication is prepared.

Among the basic main tools of electronic recruitment of new employees in VÚBP, v.v.i. belongs:


We make full use of EURAXESS to ensure that our research jobs reach a wide audience:

After the deadline for sending the documents for filling the job position, the personnel will ensure the meeting of the selection committee and prepare all relevant documents for the selection committee, including the evaluation of candidates (formalized form to be used).

The selection committee will then select the most suitable candidate on the basis of the criteria set out in the Job Requirement Request and submit it to the VÚBP, v.v.i. director for approval. The selection committee has the right not to select any of the candidates for the job.

In the event that the director of VÚBP v. v. i. approves the proposed candidate, the personnel officer will ensure that the candidates are informed about the result of the selection procedure, possible return of submitted personal materials and initiate the necessary actions to accept this selected candidate.

The selection procedure for filling a position may be canceled by the director of VÚBP, v.v.i. at any time without giving a reason.

All documents related to the filling of jobs according to this Directive are subject to archiving in accordance with valid legal regulations and according to the relevant internal regulations of VÚBP v.v.i.

We will be happy to provide you with further information on the above via your written inquiry delivered to e-mail: