Life and work of women in the Czech Republic

Gender equality and fair opportunities for all are fundamental values that have a significant impact on the economy, social development and overall quality of life. Studying women’s living and working conditions allows us to better understand and address the issues they face, such as discrimination, wage inequality, unequal distribution of domestic responsibilities and other challenges.

In 2018, the Occupational Safety Research Institute launched a two-year sub-project Quality of Working Life, Working Conditions, Occupational Safety and Health of Women in the Growing Public and Private Service Sector in the Czech Republic under the TIRSMPSV701 Innovative Solutions to Group Needs in the Optimization of OSH Regulations, Procedures and Measures including Dissemination Measures in the BETA2 Programme of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. The objective of the sub-project was to capture the actual positive and negative impacts and conditions of women employed in the Czech Republic. To conduct a qualitative and quantitative representative survey and to examine in detail the issue of working and living conditions, including the level of OSH provision for women, particularly in the health, social services, education, police, hospitality and accommodation, and trade sectors operating in the Czech labour market.


Webová stránka ŽIVOT A PRÁCE ŽEN V ČR je jedním z výstupů projektu TIMPSV0004 Kvalita pracovního života, pracovní podmínky, bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví při práci žen v rostoucím veřejném i soukromém sektoru služeb v ČR, řešeného Výzkumným ústavem bezpečnosti práce, v. v. i., v období 6/2018 až 5/2020, v rámci programu BETA2 podporovaného Technologickou agenturou ČR.

Operator: Výzkumný ústav bezpečnosti práce, v. v. i.