Archive of completed projects

Name:Increasing the level of safety of municipal police officers
Project ID:07-S4-2022-VUBP
Project Leader:Ing. Anna Cidlinová, Ph.D.
Grant Provider:Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí
Co-Principal investigater:
Project leader-external:
Project start:01/2022
Project end:06/2023
Description:The research task directly follows up the institutional support project 06-2020-VÚBP Evaluation and management of occupational risks of municipal police officers in the context of security measures. The research task deals with the issue of increasing the level of health and safety at work of police officers through the introduction of innovative practices in the process of their training and education. Based on an assessment of the current state of the system of education and training of officers, an innovative training programme will be designed, which will include original instructional videos and examples of good practice. A prerequisite for the successful implementation of new approaches to officer training is also ensuring wide availability of newly developed materials that can be implemented through modern and interactive means and technologies. In this way, it is possible not only to reduce the costs associated with the training of municipal police officers, but also to increase the accessibility of this training for all. The above proposal for a modern and interactive form of officer training also includes previously unused approaches not only to increase the availability, efficiency and quality of officer training, but also to reduce costs and increase the level of health and safety at work of officers.

Vsouhrn - Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva


O - Vnímanie pracovného prostredia príslušníkmi obecných policií - článek ve sborníku


O - Nástroje pro použití donucovacích prostředků a krátké palné zbraně v souvislosti s výkonem zaměstnání strážníků obecních a městských policií

O - Policy Brief VÚBP, v. v. i. – 2/2023 Použití donucovacích prostředků při výkonu práce strážníků obecních a městských policií a bezpečná manipulace se střelnou zbraní