Archive of completed projects

Name:Multimodal biometric device for verifying the identity of persons on the basis of fingerprints and faces when crossing state borders
Project ID:VB01000066
Project Leader:Prof. Ing., Dipl.-Ing. Martin Drahanský, Ph.D.
Grant Provider:Ministerstvo vnitra České republiky
Co-Principal investigater:Výzkumný ústav bezpečnosti práce, v. v. i.
Project leader-external:
Project start:01/2022
Project end:12/2023
Description:Project addresses the identification of persons crossing state borders or entering protected areas, e.g. in critical infrastructure. Innovative devices will allow to take a person's face and fingerprints in one shot in a contactless way. Data will be biometrically compared to determine the identity of the person scanned. Devices will be carried out both in the stationary version (for use e.g. at e-turnstiles at airports in conjunction with biometric travel documents) as well as the mobile version for field use - verification and identification against the watch list. Devices can be used mainly for foreign police and airport traffic, but also for services protecting facilities with regulated entry, for example in KI. Solution will also include a methodology of use for various purposes.