Archive of completed projects

Name:Erasmus+ Programme; Mind Safety – Safety Matters! Project
Project ID:2015-1-PT-KA201-013082
Project Leader:Mgr. Alena Horáčková
Grant Provider:Evropská komise, Erasmus+
Co-Principal investigater:
Project leader-external:
Project start:09/2015
Project end:08/2018
Description:VÚBP was enabled – through the Portuguese company ACT – Autoridade para as Condicoes do Trabalho (the Project principal investigator and coordinator) – to participate in the ERASMUS+ international project called “Mind Safety – Safety Matters!” (Project No. 2015-1-PT-KA201-013082). Seven partners from five countries (Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Romania) will cooperate on this Project. The Project aims to create educational materials for teachers and students focused on training and education in the field of occupational safety and health. Partners from each country represent different and complementary areas of expertise and previous experience with this education in their respective countries. Supporting teacher education in the field of OSH will help broaden their knowledge and skills and provide the right tools to address OSH issues at school. At the same time, the intention is to improve the quality of teaching and the learning process and potentially increase young people’s knowledge in order to protect their health and quality of life.
The intention of the strategic partnership of the participating countries within the project “Mind Safety – Safety Matters!” is to create – within three years – a knowledge base that will allow the exchange of knowledge and experience with a focus on the development of the main directions for teacher education in the field of OSH. The project will support informal approaches and resources for teaching “OSH” subjects. These activities will be carried out through a web platform that will support the transfer of project outputs and their implementation. Integrated procedures and strategies from different countries and regions, practical analyses of existing materials and interactive seminars as well as electronic tools will help create synergies for introducing OSH into teacher and student education.

Průvodce pro výuku v oblasti BOZP pro pedagogy a školitele. Na průvodce naváže praktická vzdělávací příručka pro učitele vyvinutá jako pedagogický webový zdroj, který bude zahrnovat kurikulární přístupy, metodické návrhy pro pedagogickou činnost na téma BOZP v různých předmětech.
Bude zpracován vzdělávací nástroj pro studenty, a to e-kniha a audiokniha,bude uzpůsoben tak, že jej budou moci využívat i nevidomí a slabozrací studenti.