Name: | Increasing the effectiveness of worker protection in determining the amount of work and work pace |
Project ID: | TB03MPSV013 |
Parent: | |
Project Leader: | PhDr. David Michalík, Ph.D. DBA |
Grant Provider: | Technologická agentura České republiky |
Co-Principal investigater: | |
Project leader-external: | |
Spoluresitelcizi: | |
Project start: | 01/2015 |
Project end: | 12/2016 |
Recipient: | |
Zdroj: | |
Spoluprijemce: | |
Description: | The aim of the project is to develop a proposal for a system for determining the amount of work and the pace of work in all work activities and sectors, which specifies the provisions of Section 300 of the Labour Code and which can be used by supervisory authorities or courts when deciding disputes in this area. |
Vysledky: | |
Output: | Nmet – Návrh systému pro určování množství práce a pracovního tempa v rámci všech pracovních činností a odvětví -