Archive of completed projects

Name:Analysis and evaluation of the legal regulation of the institute of OSH coordinator on construction sites in the Czech Republic and in other EU countries in relation to EC law and determination of national standards for its training and activities
Project ID:TB03MPSV002
Project Leader:Ing. Karel Škréta
Grant Provider:Technologická agentura České republiky
Co-Principal investigater:
Project leader-external:
Project start:01/2015
Project end:12/2016
Description:The aim of the project is to develop and establish a proposal for the basic direction, objectives and priorities for the training of Occupational Health and Safety Coordinators at construction sites in the Czech Republic, to propose standards for their training, which could be subsequently used for possible proposals for the amendment of applicable legislation. Furthermore, the aim is to propose minimum standards for the training of coordinators at the level of secondary and higher education, taking into account the experience of labour inspection bodies from inspections on construction sites and with regard to the training standards developed in the EU (ISHCCO) for 2013, as well as to propose minimum standards for the training of coordinators during the 5-year validity of their certificates. Based on the collection of information according to the steps below, a detailed analysis of the current situation will be carried out. By synthesizing the collected data, the whole issue will be specified in more detail. From the analyses carried out, a basic division of the whole issue of training of coordinators will be made on the basis of induction and synthesis. In addition to the analysis itself, a method of comparison will be used to compare approaches to the issue in selected European countries. Specifically, this will involve the following steps.

Hneleg – Podklady pro potřeby MPSV k revizím vzdělávání koordinátorů.

Hleg – Podklady pro revizi právních předpisů a norem týkající se koordinátorů.