Name: | Analysis of workplace air contamination by nanoparticles and determination of PPE effectiveness in respiratory protection against nanoparticle effects at workplaces |
Project ID: | HC213/11 |
Parent: | |
Project Leader: | doc. RNDr. Mgr. Petr A. Skřehot, Ph.D., MSc. |
Grant Provider: | |
Co-Principal investigater: | |
Project leader-external: | |
Spoluresitelcizi: | |
Project start: | 02/2011 |
Project end: | 12/2011 |
Recipient: | |
Zdroj: | |
Spoluprijemce: | |
Description: | The aim of the project is to summarize current scientific knowledge about the hazards of nanoparticles and other aerosol particles that may occur at the workplace. During field measurements, emphasis will be on identifying the exposure route. Measurement will be focused on finding qualitative and quantitative characteristics of particles and their description in terms of physical and chemical processes. The survey at the workplaces will be carried out in the form of screening at selected workplaces in order to find out the current status of applied protection of workers. This part will be followed by the design of an optimized concept of protection of employees exposed to hazardous particles, which will also be based on the results of measurement of capture efficiency of nanoparticles and microparticles on existing types of protective equipment used in respiratory protection at workplaces. |
Vysledky: | |
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