Archive of completed projects

Name:Research on reliability tools and human factor optimization in sensitive work systems
Project ID:04-S4-2022-VUBP
Project Leader:Ing. Martina Pražáková
Grant Provider:Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí
Co-Principal investigater:
Project leader-external:
Project start:01/2022
Project end:12/2024
Description:The research task directly follows up the project of institutional support 03-2020-VÚBP Specification of the requirements of the Act on prevention of serious accidents in the field of production and storage of explosives, ammunition, munitions and pyrotechnic products, where the analysis of available data has confirmed the necessity to deepen the research in this area. The focus on explosive substances will be a sub-objective. The intention of the research task is based on the EU strategic framework and responds to the EU Commission's call for action on health and safety at work for the period 2021-2027, where one of the key objectives is to improve the prevention of workplace accidents. The intended methodological materials and data for regulations of a non-legislative nature, i.e. data for a conceptual document of the state administration, will focus on a target group of employers in whose enterprises there are particularly sensitive work systems where human failure can cause serious consequences to health and life, property and the environment in order to strengthen the knowledge base and raise awareness, particularly as a means of preventing serious consequences to health and life.


Jost - DOSOUDIL, Tomáš …[et al.]. Výzkum nástrojů spolehlivosti a optimalizace činnosti lidského činitele v citlivých pracovních systémech: záměr autonomního projektu. Časopis výzkumu a aplikací v profesionální bezpečnosti [online]. 2022, roč. 15, č. 3-4. Dostupný z: ISSN 1803-3687.


O - Informace o projektu zaměřeném na nástroje spolehlivosti a optimalizace činnosti lidského činitele – příspěvek na konferenci Aprochem


O - Kultura bezpečnosti - publikace

O - Policy Brief VÚBP, v. v. i. – 2/2024 Metodické a podpůrné materiály pro optimalizace činnosti lidského činitele