Name: | New approaches for statistics production and improvement of OSH information base |
Project ID: | VUS4_03_VUBP |
Project Leader: | Ing. Aneta Živná Kavalierová |
Grant Provider: | Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí |
Co-Principal investigater: | |
Project start: | 02/2018 |
Project end: | 12/2020 |
Description: | Within the EU and also in the Czech Republic, more and more emphasis is placed on effective collection of statistical data; the same applies to the area of OSH. In connection with changes in the working sphere, the advent of new technologies and processes, it is therefore important to obtain more objective, better quality information on the issue of OSH and related quality of working life. It is therefore necessary to identify, create, supplement and subsequently put into practice appropriate tools for monitoring the area in question. Overall, for the development of conceptual and strategic materials, it is crucial to collect reliable, timely and comparable statistics on accidents at work and occupational diseases, workplace exposure and work-related illnesses, and to analyse costs and benefits in the area of OSH. The aim and the purpose therefore is to strive for a better, more efficient data identification and collection and development of common approaches to the OSH actors concerned so that more efficient procedures, regulatory mechanisms and supervisory activities can be implemented, while taking due consideration of corresponding administrative costs for businesses and national administration bodies. The aim of the research activities will be to prepare a design of a model for the collection and monitoring of relevant data related to OSH. |
Output: | Vsouhrn_Nové přístupy pro tvorbu statistik a zlepšování informační základny o BOZP.pdf Vsouhrn_Nové přístupy pro tvorbu statistik a zlepšování informační základny o BOZP_příloha 1.pdf Vsouhrn_Nové přístupy pro tvorbu statistik a zlepšování informační základny o BOZP_příloha 2.pdf O – webová aplikace BOZP v číslech a grafech BOZP v číslech a grafech ( O_Podpůrná metodika k aktualizaci webové aplikace Statistiky BOZP.pdf W_Workshop Statistiky BOZP.pdf W_Workshop Statistiky BOZP_prezentace.pdf D_Data o BOZP - předpoklad pro digitální budoucnost.pdf Jost – Nové přístupy pro zlepšování informační základny o BOZP |