Archive of completed projects

Name:Occupational safety and health in a growing green economy
Project ID:VUS4_01_VÚBP
Project Leader:Ing. Iveta Mlezivová
Grant Provider:Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí
Co-Principal investigater:
Project leader-external:
Project start:01/2018
Project end:12/2019
Description:A green economy is an economy built on a mutually reinforcing link between economic growth and environmental responsibility, aimed at reducing the risks and impacts of human production on the environment with a view to sustainable development. Green jobs and new risks constitute a topical issue in the 21st century. The issue of OSH in the green economy is due to the dynamic expansion of jobs (high level of innovation in environmental technologies), which contribute to the preservation or restoration of the environment. New materials, new technologies and work procedures in the area of energy, renewable energy, waste management, recycling, etc., bring about new risks. What is friendly for the environment, may not be friendly for the working environment of employees, and green jobs can be places where specific and often new occupational risks may occur. If jobs are to be sustainable, it must be ensured that they provide safe, healthy and dignified working conditions.
Research on the conditions and impacts of the growth of new technologies in the green economy on occupational health and safety, on work-related injuries and sickness rates. Identification of the scope and structure of green jobs in the Czech Republic. Identification of main risks, assessment of possible prevention. Preparation of draft measures for effective handling of significant risks and for ensuring the necessary level of OSH. Suggestions and ideas for the appropriate transfer of acquired knowledge towards employers in the relevant branches of the green economy.
The overall objective is to eliminate or reduce risks, prevent occupational injuries and occupational diseases through suggestions and ideas for targeted policies, tools, training, etc. in the green economy.

odborná zpráva zz.pdf
Příloha 1 Vsouhrn 2019.pdf
Příloha 2 Analýza dat prac urazovosti 2018.pdf
Příloha 3 Recenzovaný článek: Bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví při práci v oblasti rostoucí zelené ekonomiky - 2019.pdf
Příloha 4 Workshopy 2019.pdf
Příloha 5 Doporučení k BOZP 2019.pdf
Příloha 6 Rešerše zdrojů 2019.pdf

O - Policy Brief VÚBP, v. v. i. – 1/2019 Bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví při práci v oblasti rostoucí zelené ekonomiky