Archive of completed projects

Name:Research into the principles and methodological solutions of risk accumulation in the vicinity of hazardous operations and technologies with a focus on environmental protection
Project ID:TB030MZP008
Project Leader:Mgr. et Mgr. Josef Senčík
Grant Provider:Technologická agentura České republiky
Co-Principal investigater:
Project leader-external:
Project start:11/2014
Project end:10/2016
Description:The aim of the project is to develop a process to design a sustainable, efficient and safe development of the area where hazardous objects and facilities are located. Furthermore, a procedure that will allow screening of newly planned hazardous objects and facilities and estimation of the size of containment zones, and that will allow the production of thematic maps for existing operating hazardous objects and facilities. The maps will contain the containment zones for existing hazardous installations and facilities and will serve as one of the bases in processes such as land use planning and environmental impact assessment and in informing the public. Create a database of features limiting the development of currently operating hazardous facilities. A sub-objective will be a tool that will provide operators of hazardous facilities with the opportunity to create a database on the conflicts that potential expansion or new activities in their vicinity may bring. Once the thematic maps have been created, the surrounding population will have information on the risks to which the objects in the containment zone are exposed. Namely, the population will be able to obtain information on the risks to publicly accessible objects. These include schools, kindergartens, offices, hospitals, etc.

Hleg – Vyhláška k zákonu o prevenci závažných havárií (podklad pro vyhlášku)

Nmet – Metodika pro udržitelný, efektivní a bezpečný rozvoj území s výskytem objektů a zařízení

Nmet – Metodika screeningového hodnocení nově plánovaných objektů a zařízení