Name: | Optimization of emergency planning zone determination and emergency plan creation based on dangerous manifestations of hazardous chemical substances in operational accidents with respect to increased population protection |
Project ID: | VG20112013069 |
Parent: | |
Project Leader: | RNDr. Stanislav Malý, Ph.D. DBA |
Grant Provider: | |
Co-Principal investigater: | |
Project leader-external: | |
Spoluresitelcizi: | |
Project start: | 01/2011 |
Project end: | 12/2013 |
Recipient: | |
Zdroj: | |
Spoluprijemce: | |
Description: | The project deals with improving the level of population protection in the Czech Republic. It includes the optimization of emergency planning zones on the basis of the utilization of time parameters characteristic for the manifestations of hazardous chemical substances in major operational accidents, as well as other significant physical parameters. The project includes the creation of background documentation for the modification of the legislative regulation and setting the requirements for processing selected parts of emergency plans. |
Vysledky: | |
Output: | |