Name: | Research on reducing the consequences of collisions of rail and road vehicles and actual verification of technologies for the construction of cabs of rail vehicles made of non-traditional materials |
Project ID: | FR-TI1/113 |
Parent: | |
Project Leader: | Ing. Jakub Marek |
Grant Provider: | Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu |
Co-Principal investigater: | |
Project leader-external: | |
Spoluresitelcizi: | |
Project start: | 05/2009 |
Project end: | 12/2012 |
Recipient: | |
Zdroj: | |
Spoluprijemce: | |
Description: | The project deals with research, construction and testing of rail vehicles from the point of view of incompatible collisions with road vehicles. Tools to describe this impact include experiments and computer simulations. The front part of the rail vehicle is constructed of non-traditional materials. The project output includes a methodology of testing and construction, a prototype of testing equipment and recommendations for the development of relevant legislation. |
Vysledky: | |
Output: | |