Archive of completed projects

Name:The study investigating actual working conditions and working environment as an indicator of health damage and shortening of professional ability in specific professions in the Czech Republic
Project ID:HR176/08
Project Leader:RNDr. Stanislav Malý, Ph.D. DBA
Grant Provider:Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí
Co-Principal investigater:
Project leader-external:
Project start:10/2008
Project end:10/2009
Description:Within the project, a statistically significant group of Czech Railway (ČD) drivers will be surveyed at their working places directly in operation. Train guards and controllers of train traffic or specified groups of the general population will serve as a control group. For the selected profession, data on sickness rate, incapacity for work and mortality retrospectively for a period of 5 years would also be taken into account. These data come from the materials of the labour inspection and public health authorities, and the approach would be comprehensive; it means that it would focus primarily on the combined effects of occupational risks and conditions that are relevant to the profession on the full scale.