Archive of completed projects

Name:Supporting the development of competences of school youth to take on responsibility for health
Project ID:TIMPSV0009
Parent:Inovativní řešení skupiny potřeb v oblasti optimalizace předpisů, postupů a opatření BOZP včetně diseminačních opatření
Project Leader:PhDr. Irena Kuhnová
Grant Provider:Technologická agentura České republiky
Co-Principal investigater:
Project leader-external:
Project start:06/2018
Project end:05/2020
Description:The main objective of the research need is to support education of pupils of primary schools and upper grades of grammar schools to protect and account for physical, mental and social health. The issue here is the question of the protection of children’s and youth health in activities carried out in the immediate context of teaching (laboratories, workshops, gardening work, manual training) and in working activities performed during the leisure time (e.g. in the context of organized and individual interest activities and hobbies). The research need responds to the societal need to reduce the accident rate in the aforementioned age group of the Czech Republic population. As part of the accident prevention of children and youth, the ambition of the research need is to address the lack of adequate teaching aids to support the development of key competences of school youth for health responsibility and to point out the importance and benefits of interdepartmental cooperation (cooperation of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) in the fulfilment of selected objectives of primary and secondary education.

Vsouhrn – Souhrnná výzkumná zpráva s přílohami k problematice rozvoje kompetencí školní mládeže a studentů VŠ k odpovědnosti za zdraví během vzdělávání

O – Doporučení a návrhy změn rámcového vzdělávacího programu v dané problematice