Current projects

Name:Risk prevention and OSH training through virtual reality
Project ID:03-S4-2024-VUBP
Project Leader:Mgr. Jiřina Ulmanová, DiS.
Grant Provider:Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí
Co-Principal investigater:
Project leader-external:
Project start:01/2024
Project end:12/2026
Description:Based on long experience, it is clear that current methods of preventing accidents at work are not sufficiently effective. At the same time, the current tools for preventing accidents at work are not very effective. Currently, the most effective tool for preventing accidents at work is occupational risk assessment and management. The aim of the project is to visualise/digitise these risks on the basis of the defined main occupational risks that cause the most accidents at work, so that they can be communicated preventively to workers in the form of an experience in safe conditions, i.e. through virtual reality. As the previous project "11-S4-2021-VUBP Virtual Reality in OSH" already shows, this method is not only innovative and brings interest to OSH, but is also one of the most effective tools in the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases. The project also aims at a conceptual shift in terms of measures to minimise the impact of occupational accidents on the labour market and innovative occupational risk management.