Scope of NB 1024

Personal protective equipment

OSRI acts as a Notified Body 1024 pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 of the European Parliament and of the Council on personal protective equipment. The resulting EU-type examination certificates are valid throughout the European Union.

For its activities, VÚBP-ZL, accredited testing laboratory 1040 and VÚBP-COV, is accredited certification body for product certification 3068. Government Decree No. 21/2003 Coll. this authorization has been terminated.

Currently, the Notified Body 1024 is authorized to assess the conformity of personal protective equipment (PPE) for protection of:

  • heads,
  • respiratory organs,
  • bodies (protective clothing),
  • hands.

A more precise determination of the scope is given in the authorization issued by the Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing:
Notification VUBP-NB 1024

Like other European Notified Bodies, the RILSA is also included in the European database of Notified Bodies, link is here.

Relevant accreditation certificates and other related documents are provided in the following links.

PDF icon Accreditation Testing laboratory VUBP-ZL 1040

PDF icon Accreditation Certification Body VUBP-COV 3068

PDF iconList of accredited tests

 Seznam akreditovaných norem pro certifikaci
Rozšířený seznam norem pro certifikaci v rámci flexibility – the scope corresponds to the list of accredited standards in POA

For details, see Personal Protective Equipment.

Temporary building structures

OSRI performs tests of temporary building structures through VÚBP-ZL. These are mainly the following products:

  • facade scaffolding,
  • mobile and free-standing scaffolding,
  • support scaffolding,
  • props, beams and towers,
  • scaffolding couplings,
  • scaffolding floor panels,
  • scaffold goats,
  • additional scaffolding components,
  • ladders.

OSRI also assesses and issues certificates confirming compliance with the requirements of the standards.

For details, see Temporary Building Structures.

Our laboratory is also involved in measuring retroreflective properties of personal protective equipment and other products, such as traffic signs. For more information, please call 224 211 426 or email

OSRI employees are involved in the activities of technical standardization committees (TNK), which are responsible for incorporating European standards into the ČSNI system. These are TNK No. 3 for PPE and TNK No. 92 for scaffolding. These activities ensure direct access to emerging European standards, the requirements of which are currently included in the test and certification procedures. OSRI is the Center for Technical Standardization with competence for PPE and TBS.

OSRI-NB 1024 provides coordination between all authorized persons active in the field of personal protective equipment in the Czech Republic. It also has contacts with European testing laboratories and its activities are compatible with the requirements of the European PPE directives.