Name: | Legislation on occupational safety and health in medical and social facilities with respect to complying with hygiene requirements (disinfection, etc.) |
Project ID: | V09-S4 |
Project Leader: | JUDr. Lenka Scheu, Ph.D. |
Grant Provider: | Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí |
Co-Principal investigater: | Hartmann-RICO a.s. |
Project start: | 01/2019 |
Project end: | 12/2020 |
Description: | The aim of the research task is to create a professional basis for the necessary modification, completion, specification of legal regulations of occupational safety and health, especially with regard to observance of occupational safety in the field of hygiene in health and social services in the Czech Republic. The key activities will include the comparison of the existing legislation with the situation in other European Union states, as well as the comparison with the situation in randomly chosen health care and/or social services facilities. This will be followed by mapping and analysing the legal situation and the actual situation and identifying critical points for circumventing existing legislation. Finally, comprehensive background materials for the needs of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs will be created. |
Output: |
Jost - Povinnosti zaměstnavatele z hlediska bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví při práci ve vztahu k osobním ochranným prostředkům Jost - Vliv hygieny rukou na výskyt infekčních onemocnění a stav pokožky rukou u zdravotníků a pracovníků sociálních služeb O - Hygiena rukou Příručka pro zdravotnický personál a pečovatele v zařízeních sociálních služeb |