Free publications to download

Safety culture

Digital platforms and OSH

Tools for the use of coercive means and short firearms in connection with the performance of the duties of municipal and city police officers

Examples of foreign practice in social services

Safety and health at workplaces

What you learn in your youth

How to handle loads

Dangerous noise

Human factor and OSH

Even at work to sit properly, to stand properly

Employee legal defense mechanisms in the case of mobbing, bossing and staffing

Handbooks for risk assessment in small and medium-sized enterprises

New technologies and OSH

Practical principles of using personal protective equipment

Tools to improve occupational health and safety at work for municipal and city police officers

The School of Back program as a solution to MSD

Ergonomic aspects of occupational musculoskeletal disorders

First aid for bullying at work

  • PDF icon První pomoc při šikaně v práci – Praktický manuál pro zaměstnance ohrožené některou z forem šikany v zaměstnání – mobbingem, bossingem nebo staffingem, Výzkumný ústav bezpečnosti práce, v. v. i., 2021

Occupational health services

COVID-19 Occupational disease

Good practice for small and medium enterprises

Occupational Safety Research Institute PUBLIC RESEARCH INSTITUTION 2018–2021

Why is proper posture so important?

Posture and walking as a basic movement skill

10 basic principles of workplace ergonomics

Protection of workers during work activities in excavations

Impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the field of safety and health at work and the protection of the employer’s property interests and the protection of the employee’s personal rights

Recommended procedure for employers to ensure occupational health and safety at work regarding the disease covid 19

Agency Employment and Temporary Assignment according to Section 43a of Labour Code

Responsibility of the OSH coordinator on the construction site for ensuring an accident-free environment. Legal limits

Hand Hygiene – A handbook for healthcare professionals and carers in social services facilities

New trends in OSH, quality of working life 2019

100 years of OSH 1918 – 2018

Work stress and health

Stress prevention and management

Mobbing – a dangerous phenomenon of our time

Use of chemicals

Prevention of occupational risks

Basics of applied ergonomics

Ergonomics of jobs and working conditions of employees with disabilities

Human factor reliability

Safety and health at workplaces