Name: | Proposal of the management system for OSH and prevention of work risks for state organizations with more than 500 employees |
Project ID: | VUS4_08_VÚBP |
Project Leader: | Ing. Jiří Tilhon, Ph.D., LL.M. |
Grant Provider: | Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí |
Co-Principal investigater: | |
Project start: | 01/2018 |
Project end: | 12/2019 |
Description: | The research activity will include the preparation of a proposal for a guideline on the organization of ensuring OSH and prevention of occupational risks in state organizations with more than 500 employees. The research activity will include follow-up company documentation with suggestions of methodologies, for example for the procedures for work risk analysis, organization and factual content of training of employees of various professions in the company, organization and content of employee training in the area of OSH, or for the system of control of fulfilment of duties in OSH management. The created materials will be integrated into the certified methodology, which will be pilot tested in practice within the certification process at selected Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs workplaces. |
Output: |
2019 ZZ.pdf Metodika: Metodika.pdf |