Výstupy výzkumu a vývoje

Název:Virtual reality in education and training with a focus on safety and health at work
Druh:O - Ostatní výsledky, které nelze zařadit do žádného z definovaných druhů výsledků
Tvůrci:CIDLINOVÁ, Anna; BÁRDY, Marek; ĎAĎOVÁ, Alena
Dodavatel:Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí
Aktivita:Institucionální podpora
RIV VaVaI:https://www.isvavai.cz/riv?s=jednoduche-vyhledavani&ss=detail&h=RIV%2F00025950%3A_____%2F22%3AN0000083%21RIV23-MPS-00025950
Popis:Currently, there is a trend of modern technology in all directions, including occupational health. It is therefore desirable to implement new modern approaches in the prevention of risks of injury to workers as a result of accidents at work or occupational diseases and to put into practice a functioning occupational health and safety education and training system that is directly linked to occupational health and financial impacts. accidents and occupational diseases. Virtual reality training has an undeniable number of benefits. In addition to the autonomous and contactless approach, which proved to be very valuable during the COVID-19 pandemic, these include, for example: 3x faster learning process, autonomous solution that does not require training staff - saves supervisory time, 30% increase in the quality of routine work, allows you to experience hard-to-simulate scenarios, facilitates training coordination and reduces training costs in the long term. With the help of VR, it is possible to train and train employees effectively, cheaply and without language and other barriers, which are successfully broken down by using this technology. From the essence of VR training, we can assume a reduction in the number of work accidents in the range of 40 - 60 percent. It is precisely for these advantages of VR technology that we decided to create an educational system of occupational safety and health within the Research Institute of Occupational Safety, etc. (OSRI) under the auspices of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. Today, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare is one of the most vulnerable occupational sectors with new risks. (Paper in the proceedings of EDULEARN22 Conference which was held on 4th-6th July 2022 in Palma (Mallorca, Spain), pages 5690-5697, ISBN 978-84-09-42484-9, ISSN 2340-1117).