Výstupy výzkumu a vývoje

Název:Employment of foreigners: individuals from countries outside the European Union with regard to the current legislation
Druh:W - Uspořádání (zorganizování) workshopu
Tvůrci:SCHEU, Lenka; PASTOREK, Štěpán; TOMŠEJ, Jakub; ŠTEFKO, Martin; TÓTH, Hilda; KOVÁCS-BERÉNYI, Laura; KOCSIS, Melinda; JAKAB, Nóra; TUNYI, Mária Vivien
Dodavatel:Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí
Aktivita:Institucionální podpora
RIV VaVaI:https://www.isvavai.cz/riv?s=jednoduche-vyhledavani&ss=detail&h=RIV%2F00025950%3A_____%2F23%3AN0000075%21RIV24-MPS-00025950
Popis:On 2 May 2023, the Faculty of Law of Charles University held a workshop with international participation on the topic Employment of foreigners - individuals from countries outside the European Union with regard to the current legislation. The language of discussion was English and the workshop was also attended by representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. During the workshop, various topics were presented concerning both Czech national legislation and a comparative view of specific legislation. Very interesting contributions were presented by leading Czech experts in the field of labour law and their Hungarian colleagues from the University of Miskolc. Recent contributions covered, for example, the issue of reliable and unreliable employers, the employee card and work-life balance issues.